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Structural Biology and Engineering

How to acces to the lab directory

Our lab has a shared directory with more than 10TB of available space. You can use it as a temporary or permanent storage, for small or large files, for archiving or sharing. This directory is backed up. In case of mistake, your files are probably not lost. You can contact IT Helpdesk to try to retrieve a backed up version of your data.

First of all, you need to contact IT Helpdesk to ask for an access to /rcsdata/strube.

Once the access granted, you can read all the files in the directory, add your own, and modify some of them. Depending on your operating system, the access to the lab directory is different.

Windows 7
Open your file browser, and click on the top bar.

windows top bar

Then write the address of the directory : \\fs10.kaust.edu.sa\strube. Press Enter, and, if needed, use your credentials to connect.

Open your file browser, and click on Go then Connect to Server

OS X top bar

Then write the address of the directory : smb://fs10.kaust.edu.sa/strube. Press Enter, and, if needed, use your credentials to connect.

Linux / others

If you use something else, I guess you know what to do with that : smb://fs10.kaust.edu.sa/strube

An access is also available thorugh SSH. Simply log in dm.kaust.edu.sa with your code credentials, and go to /rcsdata/strube.